Buck List-Quilting Style

As my life becomes hectic and busier all I want to do is sit down and sew on a quilt. Making quilts is my escape from reality for a few hours. But for now all I can do is continue to pin quilts, fabric and ideas on Pinterest everyday while I should be crossing something off my to-do list. The more things I pin, the more ideas I get, which leads to more quilts I want to make. f6816c80565f3f48a4ce488ae317e6db

For the past year and a half I have been thinking about a blog post I read. Sierra is friend from back home and I enjoy reading her blog about her life in South Dakota. You can read her blog here http://sierrashea.com/ She created a bucket list of quilts to make and techniques to learn. Well I thought since I keep getting more ideas I should create my own buck list of quilts that I want to make. Here is my Buck List:

Abby’s Bucket List-Quilting Style

1. Flying Geese pattern

2. Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt (Does anyone have the book I can borrow?)

3. Blue and Gold quilt (maybe chevron?)

4. Swoon quilt (pattern by Camille Roskelley)

5. Hexagon quilt

6. Moda Love quilt

7. T-Shirt quilt

8. Baby quilt (I need to finish the one I started!)

9. Attend a class at Material Girl Quilt Shop

10. Visit Missouri Star Quilt Co. in Hamilton, MO

11. Attend a sewing retreat

12. Improve my binding skills

Hopefully this summer I can start crossing items off this bucket list instead of my to-do list! What are some other techniques or patterns that I could add to my list?




Growing up I always wanted my grandma to make a quilt for me, but she was unable to see well enough to sew. So in 4H I signed up for sewing so I could make myself a quilt. First I made a bag, dress, table runner, tree skirt for our Christmas tree and then I started in on my quilt. With the help of my grandma I got the quilt done.

This is my first quilt that I made.

This is my first quilt that I made.

I have learned many things since making my first quilt such as pinning the the pieces to make my seams line up right, threading the machine, and tips in cutting fabric. My grandma did a great job helping me with my first one that I went on and started another one by myself. If the pattern is pretty simple and I have the time I can have one cut out and sewed up in about a week.

There are still a few things I need to work on but it will just take time and practice. Such as patterns that are a little more challenging. One thing my grandma always told me is to not run over the pins with the needle in the sewing machine because it will break it…I guess I don’t listen very well because I don’t always take them out like I should-sorry grandma.

I am always on Pinterest looking for new fabrics and quilt patterns. My list of quilts to make is getting longer and with classes and work it is hard to get any done. But I hope to get this one accomplished during the long weekend. 80776f143d18f724c3474d969b5781e8